Fitur utama:
1) This series of press frames are welded by steel plates, small deformation, good rigidity.
2) This series of machines adopts pneumatic friction clutch-brake combination, long service life, low noise, stable transmission. The six surfaces of the guide rail, precision is high, can prolong the life of die, die height adjustment is convenient and reliable, with emergency stop, inching, single and continuous operation specification.
3) Optional: PLC electrical control system, air cushion, photoelectric safety protection device.
1) Crankshaft can stop at any point during operation, Highest safety;
2) High precision; long life; low noise; Easy access to other equipment
3) Not easy to deform and has a large bearing capacity;
4) Increase the life of the mold
Gambar Details
Control panel
kothak listrik
PLC control system
Delta Transducer
Centralized automatic lubricating system
Japan SHOWA SEIKI hydraulic overload protection
Jerman Siemens motor
Layanan Sawise Sales
* Production situation report/Vessel booking service/Documents support/Machine checking support
* Latihan carane nginstal mesin, latihan carane nggunakake mesin.
* Insinyur kasedhiya kanggo layanan mesin ing luar negeri.
* 7x 24 helper hours hotline.Online installation and operation instruction.
* Konsultan mesin urip suwene
* Kita duwe pabrik lan merek dhewe; Mesin kita bisa cocog karo kabeh standar CE utawa sing luwih ketat.
* Jaminan kualitas: 2 taun babar pisan lan 100% pengawasan kualitas sadurunge packing.
* Layanan: Layanan sawise-sale sing sampurna, lan kabeh masalah sampeyan bakal dirampungake sajrone 24 jam.
*Harga: Bisa nego miturut jumlah.
*MOQ:1 set.
- CNC utawa Ora: Normal
- Kondisi: Anyar
- Tipe Mesin: Mesin Punching
- Sumber Daya: Pneumatik
- Panggonan Asal: Anhui, China
- Tegangan: 380V/220V Opsional
- Dimension(L*W*H): 2600*1540*3800mm
- Model Number: JH21-200-10
- Weight (T): 80
- Titik Sade Utama: Otomatis
- Garansi: 1 Taun
- Industri sing ditrapake: Hotel, Toko Garmen, Toko Bahan Bangunan, Pabrik Manufaktur, Bengkel Mesin, Pabrik Pangan & Minuman, Peternakan, Restoran, Eceran, Toko Pangan, Toko Percetakan, Pekerjaan Konstruksi, Energi & Pertambangan, Toko Pangan & Minuman , Perusahaan Iklan
- Showroom Location: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Algeria
- Tipe Pemasaran: Produk Anyar 2020
- Laporan Uji Mesin: Disedhiyakake
- Video metu-mriksa: kasedhiya
- Garansi komponen inti: 1 Taun
- Komponen inti: Motor, PLC
- Keyword: mesin pukulan
- Dianggo: Pressing Metal Products
- Gaya Nominal (kN): 300
- Fungsi: Punching Ang Press
- Material: Hard Steel
- Name: Metal Stamping Press
- Aplikasi: Metal Sheet Stamping
- Layanan Sawise Penjualan Disedhiyakake: Insinyur kasedhiya kanggo layanan mesin ing luar negeri
- Closed height: 450mm
- Product name: Power Press machine